Inposdom – Dominican Republic Postal Service – Punta Cana Postal service Bavaro
The November 16, 1963, by Act No. 40 of Postal Communications, the General Post Office was created as a branch of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications, until November 15, 1985 was created the current Instituto Postal Dominicano, autonomous body, governed by a Board of Directors. From the first constitutional government of Dr. Joaquin Balaguer, in 1966, when the modernization process of this vital public service began with an expansion that covers even the remotest villages of the country. Currently, the Dominican postal service annually mobilizes tens of thousands of letters, parcel post, couriers and also correlation genres, including money transfers in major world currencies.
The only office of Inposdom is in the village Veron, behind the Ayuntamiento.
For express Postal Services we use:
Fedex phone is 809 565-3636 or 1-200-3138 without charge.
DHL, 809 534 7888 and also when you are receiving DHL packages in Bavaro, Punta Cana, call Kelly at 829-391-9613 to coordinate delivery.
Other parcel Postal services for Punta Cana, Bavaro:
Punta Cana Postal service Bavaro