Testimonials of my clients from different countries in the past time of my work, rentals and sales, all good memories.
Buying a property in Dominican Republic without visiting it and through emails and the Internet is something I would qualify as insane with all the risks involved. But I did it. Thanks to Milos Korac who had been more than willing to answer to all my questions and concerns about the property. We exchanged over 100 emails and each time, Milos had been more than helpful. He is a competent broker, his knowledge about the DR housing market unquestionable. If you are interested in acquiring a property in Punta Cana, whatever the price you have in mind, Milos is the man to talk to. By the way, Milos is more than fluent in Spanish, English and perhaps... Serbian.
Tim Lequang
CanadaMy wife and I decided in March of 2010 to leave the UK and find a property to retire to in the Dominican Republic. We contacted Real Estate Puntacana and made contact via email arrangements where made for us to be collected from our hotel and shown properties. We came out in June 2010 and were shown various properties and after three we saw the one for us.An offer was made and accepted, we were put straight in contact with a Lawyer and the we commenced to purchase. The purchase was in stage payments and painless. Throughout the purchase we were given every help possible from Milos and Andy from start to finish taken furniture shopping Electrical goods shopping collected at the Airport and taken to our villa the day we moved in. I cannot recommend the company highly enough for sales service after sales service etc. We still contact the company for help after living out here some three months for help with various things and not once have we been turned away. Thank you Milos and Andy,
Phillip & Teresa Smith
UKThe experience of renting an apartment with Milos has been very comforting and pleasant. I had never been to the Dominican Republic before and was traveling by myself. Prior to arrival, he answered the million questions that I had, and more than just answer, he did so promptly, keeping a conversation going via multiple daily e-mails over a period of about two weeks. I had arranged for airport pick-up with him, and he took me to see the apartment first. As I didn't rent a car, he then right away offered to run the errands that he figured I would need to run based on my e-mails: supermarket, internet set-up, currency exchange office, etc. He introduced me to people and store owners that were right by my apartment, easing any worries I might have and giving me multiple sources to be able to address any further questions to once on my own. He made me feel very much at ease and reassured with my new surroundings for the next month, which was very important to me as I was traveling alone. Everything went very smoothly and naturally. The service received was such a pleasant "Caribbean" friendliness that is very natural and genuine. What a great experience! 🙂
USAIn early July, 2010, I emailed Milos and received a response within three hours of my communication. I was very impressed with his response. My son & I decided to book a trip to Punta Cana to look at condos. From our first meeting with Milos & Gerhard, I knew we had found the right people to help us find our dream vacation home. We met with Milos & Gerhard on four separate occasions over the next fifteen months and together with them, succeeded in finding our dream home. Throughout the entire process they were extremely helpful by accompanying us to the bank, the lawyer and even to the furniture store. They accepted the delivery of my furniture and even assisted in the placement of it! I would have to say that buying my home in the Dominican has been extremely easy with their help. I would recommend these two gentlemen to anyone interested in buying a home in the Dominican Republic!
Stephen Desrosiers
USAOve godine došli smo na odmor u Punta Kanu, i odlučili smo se za kupovinu nekretnine. Pored raznih agencija dali smo šansu Milošu, i njegovom kolegi Gerdu, koji su nam pomogli tokom kupovine. Uz veliki izbor nekretnina izabrali smo Kokotal golf teren, zbog predivnog okruženja i beneficija za vlasnike kao što je pristup plaži Gabi, i nekolicini bazena. Iako smo dobili finansiranje preko Banke Popular, ipak smo kupili u gotovini. Planiramo da dolazimo često, pored mogućnosti da rentiramo stan, sama cena stana je zaista prava investicija.
Ivan Igrutinović
Kragujevac, SrbijaWe had been looking for a vacation home for a few years and decided to do some research on the Dominican Republic. In the process, we came across Milos's website. We decided to contact him about some of the properties listed. He responded promptly and answered all our questions. After a few e-mail exchanges we planned to meet with Milos in Punta Cana to look at some properties.The weather was great and the beaches were beautiful. Unfortunately our first visit did not result in finding a property we liked, so we continued to search for a place that would be ideal for our family. We came across Iberostate and it had everything that we were looking for, and more. We decided to head back to Punta Cana and got in touch with Milos who was more than happy to assist us. He took us to development project and went over all the details. After seeing earlier phases from Iberostate my family and I decided that this would be a great place to vacation in the cold winter months. Milos guided us through the purchasing process and was there for us every step of the way. He made sure that we had all our questions and concerns addressed before we went any further. I would highly recommend Milos, as he was very kind and helpful in every regard and made the purchasing process a very pleasant one.
Bozo & Sefika Stjepancevic
CanadaНачалось все с того, что я решил съездить в Доминиканскую республику. Задался целью быстро найти квартиру в Пунта кане. Ползал по интернету, но то цена не устраивала, то скорость ответа, то квартиры были какими-то убогими. И тут случайно наткнулся на сайт http://www.realestatepuntacana.com/, где понравилось многое. Выбрал себе штук 5 вариантов и отправил запрос, на наличие. Ответ пришел довольно быстро, где-то в течении 20 минут (учитывая разницу во времени 8 часов)... Это была отличная квартира из 3-х спален, 2-х душевых, гостинной, кухней и комнатой для прислуги. До пляжа было метров 70. На следующий день мы прокатились по городу и Милош показал мне что и где находится и познакомил с некоторыми людьми. Позже я периодически обращался за помощью, в том числе в аренде (а потом и в покупке) авто и мне никогда не было отказано. Через месяц, с помощью Милоша, я сменил своё жилище, так как сезон заканчивался, и были доступны более интересные варианты. По 10 бальной шкале я оцениваю работу риэлтора на все 10.
Антон Фетисов
Российская ФедерациМы c девушкой давно мечтали провести несколько месяцев на Карибах. При этом не хотелось ехать в отель и переплачивать, также хотелось увидеть местную жизнь изнутри. Как только скопили денег, начали активно искать в сети адекватные предложения. На нашу удачу, после не очень успешных общений с агентами (то выбор маленький, то цены запредельные), мы нашли Милоша. Он быстро понял, что нам нужно - апартаменты с кухней, рядом с океаном, в безопасной туристической зоне (в итоге выбрали Пунта Кану). Он предложил нам несколько вариантов, в итоге мы выбрали отличные апартаменты с двумя спальнями (чтоб друзья могли приехать), площадью метров под 150, за 1'100 долларов в месяц. Милош встретил нас в аэропорту и привёз на место. Всё рассказал, познакомил с администратором и обслуживающим персоналом, помог с покупками и поиском местной sim-карты. Наша квартира всего в 50 метрах от моря, мы остались очень довольны.
Игорь и Марина
Российская ФедерацияEn décembre dernier, ma sœur et moi décidions de prendre un mois de vacances à Punta Cana. Nous ne savions pas exactement où nous logerions car nous avions opté pour autre chose que les formules tout inclus. Nous avons fait quelques recherches sur Internet et avons trouvé les services d'un agent d'immeuble, Milos Korac. Je peux vous dire que les services que nous avons obtenus ont dépassé ce que nous espérions. Toutes les informations et ententes via Internet furent exactement ce que nous avons eu, les "Presidente" de bienvenue inclus. Si vous planifiez un séjour à Punta Cana et voulez faire affaire avec une personne intègre, je vous le recommande fortement, n'hésitez pas à contacter Milos Korac. C'est ce que je ferai l'an prochain.
Gisèle Lecours
CanadaMilos has really gone above and beyond for our group of travellers to Punta Cana. The accommodations we received were steps away from the beach in a great neighbourhood, central to all the restaurants. When we arrived to Punta Cana, we did not have a vehicle to do our grocery shopping but Milos graciously drove us to the grocery store and waited to take us back to our apartment. I have to say that this goes above and beyond any customer service I have received . As a real estate agent, this was not in the scope of his responsibility. Milos thank you once again for your assistance and we will definitely look to you for booking our next trip or our next home purchase in Bavaro.